Thursday 11 September 2014



It has worked for many. If it works for you please pass on the good news. Chiu Nan is not charging for it, so we should make it free for everyone. Your reward is when someone, through your word of mouth, benefits from the regime. Gallstones may not be everyone's concern. But they should be because we all have them. Moreover, gallstones may lead to cancer. "Cancer is never the first illness," Chiu Nan points out. "Usually, there are a lot of other problems leading to cancer.

In my research in China , I came across some materials which say that people with cancer usually have stones. We all have gallstones. It's a matter of big or small, many or few.

One of the symp tom s of gallstones is a feeling of bloatedness after a heavy meal. You feel like you can't digest the food. If it gets more serious, you feel pain in the liver area." So if you think you have gallstones, Chiu Nan offers the following method to remove them naturally.

The treatment is also good for those with a weak liver, because the liver and gallbladder are closely linked.

1. For the first five days, take four glasses of apple juice every day. Or eat four or five apples, whichever you prefer. Apple juice softens the gallstones. During the five days, eat normally.

2. On the sixth day, take no dinner.

3. At 6 PM, take a teaspoon of Epsom salt (magnesium sulphate) with a glass of warm water.

4. At 8 PM, repeat the same. Magnesium sulphate opens the gallbladder ducts.

5. At 10 PM, take half cup olive oil (or sesame oil) with half cup fresh lemon juice. Mix it well and drink it. The oil lubricates the stones to ease their passage.

PS. 1cup=250ml, ? cup lemon juice=3 lemons (aprox.)
The next morning, you will find green stones in your stools. "Usually they float," Chiu Nan notes. "You might want to count them. I have had people who passes 40, 50 or up to 100 stones. Very many."

"Even if you don't have any symp tom s of gallstones, you still might have some. It's always good to give your gall bladder a clean-up now and then.

Now you know!!!!

repost, share, anything as long as you inlcude Dr.Lai Chiu Nan's name in it.

By: Dr.Lai Chiu Nan

Night Vision Goggles

Night Vision Goggles

The images rendered by night vision goggles are green because the human eye can distinguish more shades of green than any other colour..!!

The $8 Million iPad 2 Has Gold, Diamonds and History.

The $8 Million iPad 2 Has Gold, Diamonds and History.

#It has Gold, Diamonds, Oldest Rock in the world and.....Dinosaur's Bone!!!

London-based designer Stuart Hughes, known worldwide for his elaborate and expansive recreations of popular gadgets, has really outdone himself this time. The iPad 2 Gold History Edition has a back made of 24k gold (a total weight of 2,000 grams). The apple logo in the back is encrusted with 53 internally flawless diamonds totaling 12.5 carats. But there’s more.

Its main front frame is made out of the oldest rock in the world, Ammolite. Sourced from Canada thisstone is more than 75 million years old, Hughes said. Making this even more special, the sections of a 65-million-year-old “T-REX” dinosaur’s thigh bone was splintered and then shaved into the Ammolite. All of this gives the frame the appearance of fiery marble in shades of red, green and brown.

Completing the bling factor, the frame is finished off with a single cut 8.5-carat flawless diamond inlaid in its own platinum surround with 12 outer flawless diamonds.

You will never count to one trillion

You will never count to one trillion

This one might be a no brainer if you've thought about it before. How many numbers can you count to in five seconds?

For fast counters, out loud is about twenty seven seconds. In your head, it might be closer to thirty five.

Of course because higher numbers take longer to say, a fast counter can typically hit around 200 in sixty seconds. If you bring that up to an hour, it's somewhere around 1,200.

Doing the math without factoring in the amount of time it takes to say the higher numbers, it would take over 9,000 years to get to one trillion. If you're counting in your head, the results won't be much better.

If you count in your head for 24 hours straight, you will reach somewhere around 600,000. One whole year nonstop would give you 220 million, and if you counted for your entire life, you would only reach the billions.

Well, if you ever find yourself immortal and floating through space after the Earth is destroyed, now you know what you can do for fun. 

Spectacular underground drainage system in Japan

Along the State Road 16 at Kasukabe City in Saitama Prefecture, about 50 meters underground, there’s a drainage system built by Japan’s advanced civil and construction engineering technology. River floods of surrounding areas meets here together, after adjustment then discharges into the Edo-gawa, which is a Japan’s large river, finally goes into Tokyo Bay, a total length of 6.3 km. Japanese built this drainage system from 1992 to 2006, after the completion, the use of it has played a critical role during the flood season.

Amazing Facts of Unusual Apple spotted by Ken Morrish

The chances of getting an apple like this are a million to one. It’s thought to be a random genetic mutation. The Apple was found in the orchard of a man named Ken Morrish, where he's grown apples for 45 years. The man was picking apples in his garden for a family member when he spotted the unusual apple.

The red side of the apple is said to taste sweeter than the green side does. The reason for this is thought to be that the red side has seen more sunshine during its growth. The discovery is extremely rare and intriguing. 

Mr. Morrish is getting constant requests from his neighbors to take pictures of the rare apple.

Saturday 19 July 2014

An underwater volcano off the coast of Hawaii isforming a new HawaiianIslands!

An underwater volcano off the coast of Hawaii isforming a new HawaiianIslands!

Lo'ihi Seamount is an undersea volcanolocated about 22 miles off the coast of Hawaii. It is the newest addition to the Hawaiian Emperor Seamount Chain, a string of volcanoes that stretch over 3600 miles. 

The Lo'ihi Seamount began forming 400 000 years ago, and is expected to peak it’s head out in about 10 000-100 000 years from now. In the meantime, it’s slowly expanding Hawaii’s land. It has also been known to cause several major Earthquakes, one of which lastedseveral months. 

Almost like a living organism, this volcano has been growing at a constant rate. Yes it’s expanding the Hawaiian territories now, but one day itcan completely drown it in a sea of molten rock and lava.

Coffee was discovered by a Goat!

Coffee was discovered by a Goat! 

Coffee was first discovered in Eastern Africa in an area we know today as Ethiopia. A popular legend refers to a goat herder by the name of Kaldi, who observed his goats acting unusually frisky after eating berries from a bush. Curious about this phenomenon, Kaldi tried eating the berries himself. He found that these berries gave him a renewed energy. The news of this energy laden fruit quickly spread throughout the region.

The Honeybee’s Final Sting...

The Honeybee’s Final Sting...

Amazing World
If you’ve ever wondered why honeybees tend to die after stinging someone this picture says it all. In an incredible capture by Kathy Keatley Garvey, a UC Davis Communications Specialist in the Department of Enomology, we see a bee stinging a person’s arm and then attempting to fly away as the stinger remains lodged in the victim. That trail of goo you see? It’s actually the bee’s abdominal tissue.  The remarkable capture netted Garvey the first- place gold feature photo award in an Association for Communication Excellence competition.

On the fortunate timing, Garvey said she was walking with a friend and a bee came close to him and started buzzing in a high-pitch.

She said that’s normally a telltale sign that a bee’s about to sting, so she readied her camera and snapped four photos.

Photographer: Kathy Keatley Garvey


Free diving 125 meters deep into the ocean in one breath without an oxygen tank

Free diving 125 meters deep into the ocean in one breath without an oxygen tank

William Trubridge, 31-year-old freediver from New Zealand, had successfully dived 125 meters below sea level near the Bahamas, who also became the world’s best freediver. William Trubridge learned to swim when he’s 18 months old, 8-year-old he can dive 15 meters, until the age of 22 he began to start professional training. He held the world record for free diving in one breath.

A Whole New Meaning to Tea-Bagging!

A Whole New Meaning to Tea-Bagging!

A student from Benfield School in Newcastle Upon Tyne has been expelled for putting his testicles in a teacher’s mug and posting a photograph of the prank on the internet.

The unsuspecting female teacher drunk from the cup afterwards and when she discovered what had happened was so distraught that she took time off work. It’s understood that she has now returned.

One source said: ‘The photo was of the lad dangling his balls inside the cup belonging to the teacher.

‘She later drank her tea from it.’

An investigation by the school revealed the boy who took the cup had been urging friends on Facebook to dare him to carry out bad-taste pranks.

It is another example of the growing phenomenon of pupils using social networking sites to bully, abuse teachers or boast about misbehaviour in class.

Another source said: ‘The boys saw the cup, in a classroom, which they then took.

‘They did the deed in the corridor. It all came from one of them on Facebook asking his friends: “Who dares me to do this?”’

Three other pupils have been suspended over the incident.

The Creators of Adidas and Puma were brothers and Nazis:

The Creators of Adidas and Puma were brothers and Nazis: 

Adolf “Adi” Dassler started and Rudolph “Rudi” Dassler started a line of sports shoes in Germany in 1924. They both joined the Nazi Party when Hitler rose to power. Rudi was drafted to fight in WWII and was captured by Allied forces. American soldiers suspected him of being a member of the SS (Hitler’s paramilitary force), and Rudi was convinced that his brother, Adi, had ratted him out.

Due to irreconcilable differences between the two brothers the Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory fell apart in 1948. Adi went on to start his own line of shoes, “Adidas” (based on his name, Adi Dassler). Rudi started his own line of shoes, “Puma”, named after the German word for “Panther”.

The First Telephone Call - March 10, 1876:

The First Telephone Call - March 10, 1876:

What were the first words ever spoken on the telephone? They were spoken by Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the telephone, when he made the first call on March 10, 1876, to his assistant, Thomas Watson: "Mr. Watson--come here--I want to see you."

Bell's first telephone call was so famous, he repeated the phrase in 1915 in the formal opening of the completed transcontinental telephone lines connecting America's East and West coasts. But this time Watson replied that it would take him a week; he was on the other end of the line in San Francisco.

What would you have said on the first call?

Carrots use to be Purple

Carrots use to be Purple

The modern day orange carrot wasn’t cultivated until Dutch growers in the late 16th century took mutant strains of the purple carrot, including yellow and white carrots, and gradually developed them into the sweet, plump, orange variety we have today. Before this, pretty much all carrots were purple with mutated versions occasionally popping up including yellow and white carrots, among others.

Untidy beds may keep us healthy

Untidy beds may keep us healthy

Failing to make your bed in the morning may actually help keep you healthy, scientists believe. Research suggests that while an unmade bed may look scruffy it is also unappealing to house dust mites thought to cause asthma and other allergies.

A Kingston University study discovered the bugs cannot survive in the warm, dry conditions found in an unmade bed.

The average bed could be home to up to 1.5 million house dust mites.

The bugs, which are less than a millimetre long, feed on scales of human skin and produce allergens which are easily inhaled during sleep.

The warm, damp conditions created in an occupied bed are ideal for the creatures, but they are less likely to thrive when moisture is in shorter supply.



Here’s a great sunscreenthat doesn’t use harsh chemicals:
3 tbsp. grated beeswax
3 tbsp shea butter
4 tbsp coconut oil
3 tbsp. aloe vera gel
3 tbsp. herbal tea (lavender or calendula isbest)
1/2 tsp. borax powder
Take beeswax, shea butter, and coconut oil and melt it in a double boiler. (Do not boil). Now warm the aloe veragel, tea and borax powder in a separate pan until the powder is mixed well with the other 2 ingredients. Mix it with the melted oil and butter. Whisk properly until you get a creamy texture. Store it in an airtight jar and keep it refrigerated.
You can refrigerate it forup to a month if you have not used any preservative but if you use 5-6 drops of grapefruit seed extract (natural preservative), itwill last more than a year. You can take it out of the fridge 10-15 minutes before applying.
# Cucumber Aloe Body Mask :
This is one of Great waysto soothe a sunburn – it’s quick, easy, and evensmells nice !
2 cups chopped, peeled cucumber (those big lunky ones from the garden are perfect!)
¼ cup aloe vera gel
2 T whole milk yogurt
Combine everything in afood processor, and blend until smooth. Store in the refrigerator,up to a week. Smooth over burned skin, and let sit til warm. Rinse, pat dry.
# Easy Sunburn Soothers :
Choose one of the following sunburn soothers:
• Plain yogurt or sour cream
• Buttermilk
• Tomato juice
• Witch hazel
• Aloe vera gel
• Chamomile tea
• Apple cider vinegar (1 tablespoon diluted in 1 cup water
# Soothing Herbal Bath :
■¼ cup each dried calendula, plantain, peppermint and green tea
■1 quart boiling water
■½ cup witch hazel extract
■1 to 2 drops lavender essential oil
■½ cup baking soda
■½ cup aloe gel or juice
■2 tablespoons honey
Place herbs in a large pot and cover with boiling water. Steep 20 to 30 minutes, strain and discard the herbs. Set liquid aside.
Fill bathtub with tepid water. Add herbal liquid to the bath along with the remaining ingredients. Soak for at least 20 minutes. Gently pat yourself dry. Repeat as needed.